Sunday, March 4, 2012

Summary for a general audience- sporting events attendance

In a recent study based on attendance at sporting events at Kalamazoo College, there were some significant conclusions made from the data. This study was meant to improve the athletics at K and determine which factors were most important to the student body. In the study, the target for the sample size was approximately 115 students and 55 responded giving almost a 50% response rate.
In terms of reasons for attending sporting events, there were many factors that were tested in the survey distributed. According to the results from the survey, distance from the particular event and general enjoyment of the sport were the most important reasons for attending or not attending sporting events. When comparing the importance of the sporting event and using the game as a social event using a hypothesis test, it was determined that there was not a significant difference between the two factors. This shows that the sport itself is necessarily the most important reason for attending sporting events at K.
When comparing the results from this study and a similar one done by the University of Michigan in 2007, some interesting conclusions can be made. When questioned how influential the athletics of each school was in terms enrolling, Kalamazoo students displayed a much lower average score than Michigan. In addition, both of the averages for male and female students were compared and the results showed that there was not a significant difference between male students yet there was for females. When the means of amount of time spent at sporting events per week were compared, it was evident that Michigan students spent much more time at sporting events than at K. This could be due to the amount of sports teams that compete in the winter for each school. Kalamazoo has swimming and diving and basketball whereas Michigan offers many more.

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