Thursday, January 6, 2011

Blog Assignment #1: Statistical Reporting

Rabin, Roni C. "Can You Be Addicted to Foods?" The New York Times 5 Jan. 2011. Print.
Link for this article:

1. Researchers from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis:
Richard A. Grucza, PhD; Robert F. Krueger, PhD; Susan B. Racette, PhD; Karen E. Norberg, MD; Pamela R. Hipp, MPH; Laura J. Bierut, MD .
2.Sponsored by Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Archives of General Psychiatry

3. The sponsors could have an interest in the connection between alcohol addiction and obesity
4. Methodology of this experiment is using a sample size, "The researchers...examined two large surveys of nationally representative samples of American adults questioned about alcoholism in their families."
5. The information about this experiment is included in the article as a link, when you click on that link, another site comes up, from the Archives of General Psychiatry. This page then gives information about the objective, design, setting, participants, main outcome measure, results, and conclusions of the experiment.
6. There are no graphs presented in this article.

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