Sunday, January 13, 2013

Just How Effective is the Flu Vaccine?

CDC: Flu vaccine 63% effective; 47% States report widespread illness
By: Ryan Jaslow
CBS News
January 11, 2013

1. The article used statistics gathered by the Center for Disease Control.

2. There is no named sponsor although the CDC, as a governmental entity, receives government funding. The article was published by CBS News.

3. The CDC would be interested in finding a result that would effectively present the current wellbeing of the nation and the benefits and risks of certain vaccines.

4. The CDC uses information gathered from doctors offices and hospitals about the number and severity of various cases of, in this case, the flu.

5. The results are clearly communicated, including a definition of the effectiveness of the vaccine. The vaccine is considered effective is one does not have symptoms or have to go to a doctor or hospital for their symptoms.

6. There were no graphs accompanying this report.

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