Sunday, January 13, 2013

iPhone vs Android, Battle At The Food Courts

Survey: iPhone retention 94% vs. Android 47%

Finds high pent up demand for iPhone 5 among Verizon subscribers and Android owners

1. This survey was done on: 216 mobile phone users conduced one recent week in Minneapolis in "food courts" near the entrance of the baseball stadium on game day.

2. This article does not state who sponsored the research.

3. Those conducting the survey could be looking to boost marketing towards a certain smartphone, although with the small sample and attempt at random questioning it would be difficult.

4. The methodology is presented within the article. This table given illustrates the breakdown of who was questioned and how they answered. There is not a control group, but for this study those asked could be said to be randomly chosen.

5.The results are displayed clearly in the table above, how each person answered.

6. Yes the graphs are presented in a clear manner. 

 Philip Elmer-DeWitt August 1, 2011: 8:14 AM

Alex Ducoffe

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