Monday, April 5, 2010

PADD Gasoline Prices

References: U.S. Energy Information Administration
1) Those parties interested in this statistic would be investors in oil companies, oil companies, countries importing and exporting oil, business's that use trucks or planes, and consumers.

2) The U.S. government collects the statistics through the U.S. Energy Information Administration. The agency collects the data everyday and publishes publishes it weekly.
3) Regular Gasoline Prices (cents per gallon)
PADD I: 277.3
PADD II: 275.4
PADD III: 268.2
PADD IV: 279.1
PADD V: 303.7
In order to put this statistic in perspective these are the regular gasoline prices (cents per gallon) for each PADD one year ago.
PADD I: 202.5
PADD II: 203.1
PADD III: 196.9
PADD IV: 193.7
PADD V: 220.7
From comparing these two sets of data it can be observed that regular gasoline prices were lower one year ago than they are today all across the United States.

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