Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Blog Assignment # 1

By: Neha Jindal / Healthy diet could cut inherent breast cancer—study/ The Med Guru/

Date: March 29, 2010


1. The study was done by researchers from Queen University Bellfast in Northern Ireland.

2. It does not state any other names connected to the study except the researchers from Queen University, and the article is published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

3. The lead researcher, Dr. Sarah Brennan could have interest in finding a particular result because she is a woman, and is looking for a way to lower the risk of getting inherent breast cancer.

4. In their study, researchers gathered data from eighteen previous studies which gave them access to 40,000 women results about their diets. The methodology they used is the 40,000 women from previous studies. It does not state whether or not the sampling is random or if there is a control group.

5. The results are presented in a clear manner. With these results concluded that there were three different possible types of diets the women could have; high contents of red meats and processed grains, a healthy diet that contains fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and differing levels of alcohol. It can be inferred that alcohol intake and breast cancer are linked.

6. There are no graphs that show the results of the study.

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